I self published a novel on the web just to see if I could. Now instead of getting on with the next novel I am trying to stay afloat in this sleazy pool of cyber crime. I shall make a novel of it if I live long enough.
It seems my e mail address was hi jacked and my address list stolen. The lady on Telecom fixed that for me I thought, and issued me a new pass word.
My address book disappeared so I have to build a new one.
This morning I logged on to a message saying there had been 'ünusual activity'on my credit card account, and if I logged on to that message it would be mended. Fortunately the account they mentioned was one I have never used, so I consigned it to the trash bin.If I had forwarded it to my accountant son I could have infected his machine and those of his contacts.
I use my credit card a lot to buy books from Amazon and City Lights, book travel and accommodation, buy and sell things on Trade Me.I take the prescribed precautions, but now I shall have to alter my style of living because of these cyber criminals who are getting away with their dishonesty because it seems to be too hard to catch them out.
There does not appear to be any world wide organisation able to deal with cyber crime. THERE SHOULD BE.
Slightly off topic, but I have told you about www.Booko.com.au haven't I? They compare prices (including postage) across a large number of online bookshops and rank them from cheapest to most expensive. Using this, I just bought a new copy of William Morris's News from Nowhere for under $7, including postage...