The world, not even Waitaki, is not beating a path to my door.
Last year I compiled my fourth collection of poetry. Rather, my clever publisher, Frank Sviatko did, I sent him a C.D. and he chose twenty three poems, designed a cover, wrote some outrageous flattery for the back cover, organised the printer, and couriered them down to me. I took them with me to Ireland and the World Poetry Night in Liverpool, where they sold well. When I came home I used my little books for Christmas cards. But I still have a couple of dozen left.
‘Over and out from Down Under’ (ISBN 978-0-473-5851-4) is an A6, saddle stitch book of 32 pages. It has been reviewed favourably in the on line poetry magazine, Poetry Kit. What should I do with the remainder? They are too tiny for libraries to consider, but Oamaru Public Library thought that local tourist shops might stock them, as the poems are mostly about the Waitaki region. I sent a sample copy to the local tourist board. It was returned in the following mail with not a word of ‘no thanks’ or explanation. Rude I thought, but that’s Waitaki.
So I am offering the remaining copies for sale at $10.00 post free. Send $10.00 and your return address to
329 Kaik Road
and I shall post a copy to you immediately.
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